Rivertown Detroit Association’s March 2023 Meeting focused on addressing the gun violence that has plagued our nation, and more recently our communities with the tragic mass shooting events at Michigan State University last month, and Oxford High School in December 2021.
We hosted a panel of experts from the executive/legislative, medical/healthcare, and enforcement sectors. Our panel engaged in a productive dialogue, highlighting the complex nature of the issue and the need for a multi-faceted approach to address gun violence.
Mary Sheffield, Detroit City Council President, District 5 Councilwoman
Stephanie Chang, State Senator, Michigan State Senate
Medical/Mental Health
Dr. Suezette Olaker, MD
Susie Rohde, LMSW
Deputy Chief Franklin Hayes, Detroit Police Department
Commander John Svec, Detroit Police Department 7th Precinct
David Felton, Wayne County Sheriff's Department
The event was hosted by The Thome Rivertown Neighborhood Senior Apartments. For more info, visit https://www.pvm.org/locations/rivertown/.